Eligibility Criteria


State Bank of Pakistan segregates SME into Small Enterprises & Medium Enterprises to allow them certain benefits

Small Enterprises:

Number of EmployeesAnnual Sales TurnoverFinancing Allowed
Up to 50* Up to Rs.150 Mn Up to Rs.25 Mn

* including contractual employees

However, in cases where an entity fulfills one parameter of SE and its second parameter falls within the range prescribed for medium enterprise (ME) or above the upper limit prescribed for ME, then the subject entity shall be classified as ME or commercial/corporate entity as the case may be.

Medium Enterprises:

Medium Enterprise (ME) is a business entity, ideally not a public limited company which meets the following parameters:

Number of EmployeesAnnual Sales TurnoverFinancing Allowed (Maximum per party)
51-250 for Manufacturing and Service ME 51-100 for Trading ME Above Rs.150M and up to Rs.800M for all types of ME Rs.200M (including leased assets) exposure from single or all banks

*In cases where an entity fulfills one parameter of ME and its second parameter falls above the upper limit prescribed for ME, the subject entity shall be classified as commercial/corporate entity as the case may be. (For complete PRs, Click here ):

Eligibility Criteria for SME Clients:

Stated below are the minimum parameters for prospective borrowers that meet the minimum criterion of qualifying for obtaining financing from our SME division.

Please note that these requirements only represent a reasonable benchmark for eligibility and their fulfilment does not guarantee approval of finance. Bank on its discretion can vary these benchmarks on case to case basis as per its internal policies and holds the final right to accept/reject a loan application.

Age of Business & Experience of Key Decision Maker
Min 3 years
Purpose of Loan
-Facility shall be availed to meet business needs only.
-Clear and precise intended fund utilization needs to be in place from the borrower.
e-CIB Status
Clean credit history for the last 12 months, no write-off or litigation in past with any bank

Market Check

Supplier Checking
Positive feedback from suppliers.
Buyer Checking
Positive feedback from buyers.
General Market Check
No Negative feedback.
Collateral Requirement
Yes. The exact requirement will vary on case to case basis
This page was last updated on: November 13, 2017 4:00:45 PM